February 6, 2024 Dear Fellow Rotarians, Re:WASH-RAG World Water Summit Singapore May 24, 2024 In the field of sanitation, using the word "shit" sometimes prompts negative reactions. And we apologize for any embarrassment this message may cause. But it is a reality. Rather than a nuisance product to be disposed of quickly (but not always appropriately), it needs to be seen as an opportunity to generate revenue and employment. Especially given that more than half of the world's population lacks a functioning toilet. Incredibly, more of the world's population has a cell phone than a toilet. As you may know, WASH-RAG will be holding the 16th World Water Summit in Singapore on Friday May 24th, immediately prior to the International Convention. The theme this year is Sanitation especially the Business of Sanitation. The framework for the summit is the attached Shit Flow Diagram. As you will see, this diagram traces the flow of faecal matter from the toilet or latrine through a series of steps to, hopefully, a number of saleable products. Sessions during the Summit will focus on the business and entrepreneurial opportunities in each of these stages. For example, how to finance a latrine emptying operation; how to implement a facility to process faecal sludge into marketable products, such as fertilizer, fuel brickettes; how to motivate people to buy toilets. We seek Rotarians who have experience in any parts of the process, from toilets to the ultimate market. Rotary stories are the most effective way of helping Rotarians and clubs to understand the huge opportunities in this humanitarian field. Please send us a brief summary of relevant experience if you would like to be considered for the program. And, please let us know if you might attend the Summit/Convention in Singapore. Warm Rotary regards, Ron Denham, WASH-RAG Chair Emeritus WWS-16 Program Committee. ron.denham@kearney.com |