Here are the highlights from the January 10th board meeting.
Call to Order Derek Stemen
President Derek Stemen called the meeting to order at 11:46 A.M. with the following board members present:
Derek Stemen, Jeff Fitzgerald, Joel Mengerink, Tim Stanford, Jeff Unterbrink, Lesley Fry, Andy Wannemacher and Treasurer Tracey Regula. Also, Secretary Anne Decker and Amy Ricker were present.
Secretary’s Report Anne Decker
Approval of the December 13, 2022 Board Minutes
Regula made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2022 meeting as submitted. Stanford seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for December 2022
Three new members joined the club and two members resigned in December. December attendance was 45.31%. The month ended with 140 active members and 4 honorary members.
President’s Report Derek Stemen
Shawnee Country Club
Shawnee Country Club is closed for the next six to eight months to repair damage done when their sprinkler system activated in December. The Board will meet at The Met in February and March. After that they will determine the meeting location month to month as needed.
Board Candidates
Fry and Burden will contact potential board candidates. An email will be sent to club members asking for interested candidates and solicitations will also be made at club meetings. The list of six candidates will be presented to the board at its February 14th meeting and to the club at the February 20th meeting. They will also be included in the eSpoke. Ballots will be sent to the membership shortly afterwards.
Blood Clinics
There has been no response yet from Lima Memorial Health System to our questions about having just one blood clinic in the spring. Stemen will contact them for an update.
Board Approval For Club Projects And Fundraisers
Don Witter working on a policy that will require board approval for all projects and fundraisers performed in the name of the Lima Rotary Club. Decker will contact Witter and ask that he have it completed for review at the February 14th board meeting. It will be presented to the joint board meeting in April and to membership at the annual meeting.
Support of Montreal Rotary’s Water Project
A club member has asked the board to reconsider its decision not to make a financial contribution to the Rotary Club of Montreal’s water project in Ghana. The issue was discussed and died for lack of a motion.
Fundraising Events
Stemen will look for teams to chair the reverse raffle and golf outing.
Membership Initiatives
Adah Ellerbrock created a contact list of potential new club members based on those who have contributed to the amphitheater. Stemen passed the list and board members selected businesses to contact.
Board Reports All Board Members
Empowering Girls Lesley Fry
The next meeting of the Empowering Girls Committee is January 23. They are looking for ways Rotary can support existing programs in the community.
The total of the PolioPlus campaign is $2,512. Interact presented a $230 check to PolioPlus at the January 9th meeting. 4th quarter Rottery proceeds will also be donated to PolioPlus bringing the total to more than $3,000. Stemen and Horner will work on additional fundraising projects, including a clothing sale.
Treasurer’s Report Tracey Regula
Regula reviewed information from the financial reports. The club’s total income year to date is $53,645.31, slightly above the same period last year. The club’s YTD expenses are $53,547.51, leaving the club with a net income of $97.80, down from $4,183.18 from the same period last year. Wannemacher made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Mengerink seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business
New Member Applications
No new applications were received.
There are no resignations to report.
Motion To Adjourn
Regula made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Stemen adjourned the meeting at 12:25 P.M.