Posted by Anne Decker on Aug 16, 2024
Here are the highlights from the August 13 board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                               Russ Decker
President-Elect Russ Decker called the meeting to order at 11:38 A.M. with the following board members present: Russ Decker, Demi Burden, Richard Warren, Jeff Unterbrink, Craig Kupferberg, Corey Frazer, and Jennifer Mason. Also, Treasurer Tracey Regula and Secretary Anne Decker were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                     Anne Decker
Approval of the July 9, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Kupferberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2024 board meeting as submitted. Mason seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for July 2024 
One new member joined the club and no members resigned in July. July attendance was 36.504%. The month ended with 147 active members and 2 honorary members.            
President’s Report                                                                                                     Russ Decker
District 6600 Invoice and Rotary International Invoice
Board members reviewed the invoices from Rotary District 6600 and Rotary International. Both contain price increases.
Milano’s Price Increase
Board members reviewed a letter from Milano’s stating that as of August 1, 2024, the cost of lunch will increase from $12.75 to $13.50 per person with a minimum requirement of 50 people. 
Secretary of State Renewal
The club must renew its certificate with the Secretary of State’s office every five years. Anne Decker renewed the certificate and updated the club’s contact information.
Fair Ticket Takers
The Lima Rotary Club is taking tickets at the grandstand events at the Allen County Fair in exchange for a $1,000 donation to the club. Two more volunteers are needed for August 17. Anne Decker will send out an email blast asking for members to sign up.
District Governor Tim Ryan
Rotary District 6600 Governor Tim Ryan will speak to the club on October 28. He has requested a meeting with both the club board and foundation board. That meeting has been scheduled for 11:00am in meeting rooms 5 & 6.
Pickleball Tournament
Burden reported that plans continue to be made for the club to host a pickleball tournament in 2025 as a fundraiser.
Board Reports                                                                                                            All Board Members
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing
Unterbrink reported that 40 total sponsors have been secured for the Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing on August 21 and 24 teams have registered. The outing is expected to raise around $30,000 for the club’s scholarship fund.
Holiday Home Tour
Russ Decker stated that one more home is being sought for the Holiday Home Tour on December 1, 2024. The committee is working with florists and bakeries to provide decorations and sweets at the homes.
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                     Tracey Regula          
Burden shared information from the club’s Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through July 31, 2024 is $142,983.32. Total expenses are $130,544.46. Net income is $12,438.86. Warren moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Frazer seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business                                                                                                             Russ Decker
New Member Applications
New member applications were received from Ryan Douglas – General Manager of Howard Johnson, Carter Jones - Director of Additive Manufacturing & Engineering at Aircraft Dynamics Corporation, and Cindy Leis – President and CEO of Allen Economic Development Group. Mason made a motion to approve the applications. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
Resignations were received from Kendra Dilts, Robin Bowlus, Jodi Rauth and Derek Stemen. Regula made a motion to accept the resignations with regret. Warren seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Regula made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mason seconded the motion. Board approved. Russ Decker adjourned the meeting at 12:28 P.M.